So after my visit with Dr. Wolford my mouth was sore - just as he predicted. I drove to Edwards Colorado to see my favorite orthodontist Dr. Alton Bishop and his lovely wife and assistant Shirlene(we all know who is really in charge). (Aren't they adorable?) Edwards was BEAUTIFUL! I enjoyed it up there. Dr. Bishop was very pleased with the report from Dr. Wolford but he did put me back in rubber bands. :-(
My teeth are still moving so very nicely with the bands that we must take advantage of it.
I am feeling very good overall. I do wish the bottom lip would rise and shine - and my chin as well. But I am told "all in good time". In a way the surgery seems like yesterday - and in some ways it seems like it has been a long time. But the beauty of it all is that I have not had one single migraine since the surgery. And no grinding noise in my ear that my jaw used to make when I moved it. So I will be patient (tee hee) because the payoff is HUGE.
For those of you wondering about the fire - we are not in any danger. Today they are beginning to get it contained. Yahoo.
So....... it's me and Dr. Bishop for 4 more months until the next visit with the big boss in Dallas. Slow but steady is the motto.
Thanks still and again to all of you who continue to help us out - we could not be luckier people. Love and hugs to all.