What an amazing,difficult, difficult and amazing adventure this has been. The best part is that we ALL rose to the occasion just like we knew(hoped) we would. That is what love is about and I have never felt more loved in my life.
As i slowly got my brain cells back..... i slowly got some responsibility back. It was a beautiful day when I got to drive around the block to prove to David I could drive. Ahhhh my wheels are mine again.
We had a last sister hoorah day in the hot tub in the mountains in preparations for me going back to work. A day with my sisters. If that is not a gift I do not know what is. And then today....no more sweat pants, no more jammies........ it's the ......Bionic Nurse off to save little children of the world and dressed in real clothes (I do love to wear swear pants). I had a warm welcome at my school and I got alot done. It felt good to be using my brain and to be doing for others again. The baby sitting Jody "era" is coming to an end. Physically my chin is still MIA and half my bottom lip remains on strike. The roof of my mouth might be showing some signs of return but not very quickly. I am wearing my rubber bands like the perfect patient that I am in hopes of getting them off by the start of summer - maybe. maybe. I continue on my mush diet and dream of a slice of pizza. Lilydog and I have been faithful walkers and we are both feeling pretty shapely.
So I am back to work for 29 days..... and then summer break is there to rescue me. What a Life I have. Not too bad at all.
Thanks for continuing to check in on me. I love and appreciate all of you all.