Today was my visit to the orthodontist who is now taking over. We had to see him in his Frisco office today - it was a nice drive but turned into a long day. (no nap!) He changed out all of the rubber bands which tightened up my bite again so I am back to the syringes instead of the baby spoon. The surgeon had told us that the surgery would fix the bite about 98% and the rubber band manipulation would take it the rest of the way - so the rubber bands are a vital part of the treatment. Our orthodontist happens to have a lot of experience with the surgeon in Dallas - they had worked together for years so we feel well taken care of. My jaws are barking tonight after the ortho visit but I am sure will be better tomorrow. The other fact that Dr Bishop told us was that it takes about 1 week of recovery for every hour of anesthesia. So, at some point my brain will clear. Until then, sweet dreams to all.
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